Thursday, August 10, 2006

Stop. Hey, what's that sound?

Wait a minute.

You mean we are at terror alert Elmo for flying and I had to come into work today? I work in a highrise in the city with the world's busiest airport! Shouldn't I have been given the day off to hole up at home with a bottle of Jack spend time with my family?


... said...

Tell em Nikita isn't feeling well and get the hell out of there!

citizen student said...

you have to remember that living without fear is the best defense against those butt munchers.

who am i to call them butt munchers? ah... the debate rages on...

just make sure you cary flame retardant clothing, a protective bubble, enough oxygen to last you three days, a case of dried foods that can be rehydrated with a few drops of water, some clean underpants, and a digital cell phone... you know in case you get lonely.

Jamie said...

Haha. I wasn't actually afraid of being a target. I was hoping that it would be a good enough excuse to get an excused absence from work :)

Twisted DNA said...

Haha. I was thinking the same thing... I was hoping to see the line "All employees are adviced to go home and stay home" in our copany email somewhere. There was none

citizen student said...

ya right.

even when hurricane fabian struck, bosses and managers wiere still expecting people to show up for work...

"where the hell are you?"

"washed over the side of the road... my house blew over and i lost my cat"

"you're late. get to work"

Anonymous said...

Umm, so does this make me a bad American that I had NO CLUE what was going on until a few days later when someone mentioned it and I said, "oh I better look that up on the internet"??

Jamie said...

No worries AG, it just happened yesterday!

Anonymous said...

oh good!


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