Monday, July 31, 2006


I'm sitting at my desk completely dumbfounded because my new research project is photovoltaic collectors. I didn't even know how to say it until my boss corrected me. I'm a good researcher and writer but I haven't done any math or science since the last presidential administration. Except for now. The math I did to figure out the last math I did. I remember sitting in physics my freshman year of college and not caring because I was going to be a writer. What writer needs statistics and physics? The only thing I remember about physics was, yes, the bell-curve really does work against you and that icebergs in the ocean are only 11% exposed. The rest is underwater. So the people in the Titanic were screwed because they hit one big ass iceberg-- 89% unseen. I can't even tell you what that has to do with physics, but there was an equation involved. There were always equations in physics. So now I'm staring at photovoltaic collectors and I can't even tell you the difference between a watt, volt, and amp. And I'm supposed to learn this forwards and backwards. I don't even know if you have to convert these measurements from inch-pounds into international language. What is European for watt? Is there European for watt? Who uses these things anyways? Only hippies care and they can't afford this high-tech shit. Is there a difference between silicon and silicone? Oh god, I don't know. I just want to take my head and jam it into this computer screen so maybe they'll send me home and I can put off photovoltaic collectors for one more day.


... said...

damn. Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

Umm yeah, completely over my head too! I don't know if there is a difference between American and European Watt, but I can tell you that the voltage is different.

Good luck!

Jamie said...

Ooh yeah! I should have asked you SINCE YOU LIVE THERE! Duh.

citizen student said...

isn't silicon like... a valley?

i failed physics intentionally.

sos dude. you're on your own with this one....



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