Thursday, June 22, 2006

The captain of my brain ship is drunk at the wheel

So I, uh, made a web page for my dog over the weekend. She now has her own MySpace of sorts. She'll get more photos up when I find out what the hell I did with my scanner.
You can view it here:

There is also a Catster for all you cat owners. Not that I know of course. I'm way too cool and spend all my spare time biking and reading poetry in the park and visiting places like Morocco and Japan... not sitting in front of the computer making a webpage for my dog...


After staring at the Abercrombie and Fitch picture in the post below, I am now convinced that one day the model's balls will drop, instantly crushing the pedestrians walking below him.


I've been in a small funk for the last week and a half. Ever since I got sick, things have slowly been degenerating around me and generally just not going my way. I hadn't had a bad day in months so I guess I'm having them all now in one go.

I had a martini for dinner last night (vodka with a twist) to try to relax a bit. Just one and it wasn't even strong. I dreamed I checked myself into a mental institution to rest and meditate for a few weeks. It seemed to work. When I woke up my first thought was (after I realized I wasn't in an institution) that I couldn't really do that because I'm pretty sure my health insurance wouldn't cover it.


If anyone knows of a good psychic in the Atlanta area, please let me know. No, I'm serious. Really, I am.


Momo said...

I love this Catster/Dogster site! I've added all of my cats!

Here's the link to one:

On a more serious note, I'm sorry you've been in a funk lately...I hope it turns around soon!

citizen student said...

i've a catster site for napoleon. if you're that interested (there's a cute pic of him on there from when he was *reeeeally leetle*... you can find it through my blog...

speaking of funks... i've been in a horrible one since like, last thursday... nasty man. i hate everything about myself and am snapping at almost everyone... and i have at least one vodka and cranberry a night. at least...
i dunno man, success is elusive and it's hard to feel like you're going to get anywhere in life when you see all these other, younger, better looking chicks handling it with lots of money and stuff.

i hope his balls drop. if they do call me.
and let me know if that psychic crap works. i'd like to start preparing for the day i die now, so i'm all caught up.

Jamie said...

me- you just made my day. When they drop I will fly to your front door and deliver the news to you as a singing telegram.

I'm totally doing the psychic thing; it's a lot cheaper than therapy.

citizen student said...

i think that singing telegram thing i'm going to have to hold you to...

i can just picture it now... and you HAVE to bring a photo of the squashed pedestrian...

i ate vegetables as a snack just now. something is wrong with me.

dont eat the token said...

I truly wanted to be drawn to a psychic when I was in TX but the only advertised one I saw was SHABBY and I didn't "feel" anything so I didn't check it out. Good luck, it may be just what you need.

Or try some Echanacia. I take it for a week when I've been sick and not getting better.

Ryon said...

Damn, when I lived there I went to a psychic in that freakin' town that is supposed to look like Germany...what the hell is it's name. I know it is like an hour from Atlanta or Athens. The psychic there was pretty good.

My friend swears by one that is close to Junkman's in Atlanta...not Athens.

Oh, and if you feel like going to Augusta there is a psychic on Washington Road that has been in the same spot for over fifteen years now....I just can't remember the name of that one either.

Sorry, I was trying to help and now I've just confused you more.

Jamie said...

VG- You're thinking of Helen, GA. I will definitely go to the one by Junkman's- that's within 3 miles of my house!

citizen student said...

jsyk... i gave nikita a bone too. she's too cute to not deserve it.

where the hell are you?! i have to have my jamie fix!


Anonymous said...

That model's balls may drop but I'm sure they'll be so small as to only cause minor concussions.

And I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling sick! I hope you feel better soon!



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