Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Miss Daisy's Driving

I opened my mailbox and pulled out a "Sorry we missed you!" slip from the post office. My first package from a blogger arrived. I flipped the card over and looked at the post office address and promptly swore. The package was not waiting at the post office across the street from me; it was waiting at the main office downtown.

Okay, so Downtown is only a few miles from me, about a five minute drive, but I hate going there. I am comfortable with Buckhead, Virginia Highland, and Midtown, but not Downtown. Downtown is very poor, filled mainly with homeless people and crack addicts and I don't go that way unless I have to. But I had a really bad day and wanted something to smile about, I wanted my package.

I looked outside: it was dusk. I hate downtown when it's daylight, the fact it's cloudy and only getting darker made me uneasy. I went to my apartment, leashed up my dog and took her with me. She's my security blanket. I figure most of the people roaming the streets downtown did not see "Snow Dogs," so they don't know my wolf-like dog is actually not wolf-like at all.

It's hard to get lost in Atlanta. I just pick a skyscraper that's near where I'm going and drive towards it. For the post office, I drive towards the Capitol Building, which is impossible to miss because its dome is encrusted in gold. With this system, I rarely pay attention to street names and signage; I'm mainly looking up to see if I'm heading towards my skyscraper. For this reason, I've had many follies: I've driven through red lights, cut people off; basically I turn into the worse driver ever.

I find the Capitol, I find my street, and I eventually find the post office. The only people out obviously have nowhere to go. Some simply dance on the street corners. I look in the backseat to see if Nikita is looking ferocious. She has her head out the window, smelling.

The post office's gates are closed. I pick up the card and check it again; it's supposed to be open until 8:30pm. I drive up to the next gate-- closed. Before I know it, I've passed the post office and am working my way by the next government building. Frustrated, I speed up to the corner and make a left. Something about that intersection didn't seem right to me, but I didn't care, I just wanted to get my package and go home.

It didn't hit me until I made it to the next light: I was driving the wrong way day a one way road. I knew this because there was no turning lane for me and the light was above my head, facing the opposite direction. I swear yet again and stop, trying to figure out what I can do. And that was the exact moment I saw it, the police cruiser. Behind the wheel is a short black woman who can barely see over the steering wheel.

I know she's going to pull me over and I wonder if she'll buy my lame excuse that I was discombobulated. To hell with it, I thought and made an illegal left turn to get back on the right street. That's 3 tickets: one for going the wrong way, one for the left turn, and one for the seatbelt I wasn't wearing. Looking into the rear-view mirror, I see the cop was going to turn, but decided not to at the last minute. I swear, again, and double check that I have all my paperwork.

I find the open post office gate and pull inside, all the while checking my rear-view to see if the cop is going to follow me. She didn't. I didn't even see the cop car. So I have to give her credit because she clearly contradicted my post last week. Then again, she may not have seen me over the steering wheel.


Momo said...

Cute dog!!

And I'm glad you didn't get pulled over - whew!!

citizen student said...

did you get it did you get it??!

ooo... that story was so exciting, full of intruige and tension, i was on the edge of my seat!!!


The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

Wait, how many times have you driven the wrong way down a one way street?

Jamie said...

Officially? Twice. Times where I almist did, but caught myself? About 4.

Ryon said...

Why no seatbelt? Just curious...


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