Thursday, April 06, 2006

One of those moments where you realize you're a lot weirder than you originally thought:

Jamie: *Yawns*
Eric/k: And that concludes our conversation on "Superman 2," regardless of your yawns. I think we just spent entirely too much time talking about it.
Jamie: You know what I hate?
Eric/k: What?
Jamie: I hate it when you yawn and someone jabs his finger in your mouth. I mean, really. For my list of "Things that make me want to punch you in the face," it's up there.
Eric/k: People stick their fingers in your mouth when you yawn?
Jamie: Yeah, like 4 different people. (Pause) Wait. This has never happened to you?
Eric/k: No, I've never even heard of it before.
Jamie: What's wrong with me?!


Anonymous said...

My god... I'm such a nerd.


Paige said...

Dude....No one has ever done that to me before. But I think it's pretty funny to blow in their mouth when they are fucks up your inhale, ya know?

citizen student said...

the most interesting things happen to you...

i swear to god. please follow yourself with a video camera. i know that sounds difficult but really?
your stat counter would shoot to the moon if you had visual and audio postings... don't you think?
i'd never work again

Anonymous said...

To help your sanity my wife does that to me. The worst part is I have to yawn again because she interrupted it and then I have a whole problem trying to finish my yawn. Anyways I am going to bite her finger off one day.

... said...

me has a point. I'd watch you 24/7!

Anonymous said...

Someone tried to do that to me once, really really fickin' annoying!

aprilbapryll said...

People do that to me -- Christen does it all the time, and it really makes me want to bite the finger. Hard. or Off.


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