Friday, April 21, 2006

The Birthday Problem

I'm not doing it. Nope, not me.

I'm not turning 25.

It's a decision I made. I'm going to have to stick with it. I think I'll just turn 22 again, that was my favorite year as well as my favorite birthday celebration. At 22 I was at the height of my party days and still managed to weigh 5 pounds less than I do now.

Almost a year ago, A* scared the living hell out of me with life after 25. There used to be a bit in there about not bleaching your hair blonde anymore and becoming a more mature brunette. Pphffaw, not happening my friends.

I'm not growing up. I'm going to drink my cheap beer and occasionally crave Ramen noodles so much that I'll eat them voluntarily. I'm still going to watch the Real World even though I am now to old for it. I'm staying blonde and keeping my ridiculously short skirts. I'm still going to walk through the toy isle at Walmart (if I can find one, apparently Atlanta hates Walmart). I'm still going to grocery shopping after 10 pm. I'm keeping the leather pants and the backless shirts, just because. (Er, but actually I may not wear those anymore). I'm still going to wait until midnight to go out Saturday night. I'm keeping my college t-shirts. A pony-tail is a perfectly acceptable hair style for work. And you know what? I'm keeping the slutty shoes!


citizen student said...

see now you're scaring me.
i'm only 22 and i'm hyperventilating.
for the love of god keep the slutty shoes but don't ever become a cougar- i might have to track you down, skin you and nail your head to my wall.


i'm afraid of getting older... i actually asked my friend the other day if she thinks we'll be the type of women constantly chasing youth. she said, "yes. yes i do."
it's scary but i think she's right.

Jamie said...

I *just* learned what a cougar was this week while watching "Geraldo at Large."

You don't have to say it, I already know I have way too much time on my hands if I'm watching my nemesis, Geraldo.

Anonymous said...

Hell I still do those things and I will be hitting 30 next January! Live it up girl! Screw societies standards, keep marching to the beat of your own drum no matter who tries to get in your way.. its your life and noone elses.

The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

Happy Birthday.

citizen student said...

YAY.. did i miss it? was it over the weekend or was it today? is it today...

happy birthday!! yay!!

or should i not be excited for you?

ah i'll be excited anyway. and just think, in about two weeks you'll get a totally belated semi-birthday present in the mail. how wonderful!

citizen student said...

there's this girl at my job... actually, she works right next to me.
she totally was lookin on my blog right? and then when i got up and walked past her she tried to hide the fact that she was looking on my blog.
i don't like her.
i don't want her reading my blog... she's stalking me! i can't say anything now! should i go back through my posts to make sure i didn't say anything about her? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO other than moving my entire blog to a different web address.

sigh. i just needed to get that off my chest it's been bothering me all day. still with the happy birthday and where the hell are you..

Dave Everson said...

Dammit, I was wathing your counter and I still missed it. But Happy birthday a day late!


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