Tuesday, March 21, 2006

St. Paddy's Day with Asians

"You realize you're... tall, right?"

Louisa was uncomfortable saying this, as if she was breaking bad news to me. "You realize those breast implants are leaking, right?" or "You realize unicorns aren't real, right?" Right.

"Yeah, I know."

My German heritage bred one tall family. I grew up thinking all men are 6'4" with a size 12 shoe and sometimes I still forget that's not the case. I'm 5'10" in shoes. It wasn't really until college when I realized I'm taller than most girls. By a head. I'm okay with it in most scenarios, but the occasional party or club will leave me feeling self-conscious.

Here's a picture taken at Fado on St. Patrick's Day:

She's 5'2" and she's 5'3." These are my friends.

Look at me hunched over. When it's just 3 girls and you have them beat by a good 6 inches, you feel a little self-conscious. Ooh, look at my teeth, the whitening worked!

Then they take you to an all-Asian club and you REALLY feel it. I was the tallest person there -- I was the tallest person there and I was the only one not dressed in all black and smoking a cigarette. I had a pretty good view on the dance floor which was a perk. I guess. The only saving grace I had at that club is my ability to dance. So I really think they were staring at me NOT because I was white and the only girl in a ponytail, but because I can dance well. Yeah, that's it -- because I can dance.


Anonymous said...

Were you at Fado's in the morning for Toucher's last show and if so how was it?

Jamie said...

No I didn't make it in for the show, but I listened to it on the radio. It was sad to listen to and I have to admit I misted up at one point, God only knows what I would have done if I was there!

Anonymous said...

Tall girls are hott, don't let anyone tell you differently. Just remember they are not staring at you because they think you are a freak, they are staring because they wish they were half as tall as you!


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