Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Embarrassed? Don't be! Ask me!

My yoga class has one really hot guy in it. He's a little short for my taste (see previous post) but it doesn't mean I don't like to "eye fuck" him as Ms Thang puts it. At first I thought he was just there for the ladies (superb move) but it turns out that he's better at yoga then me. I had the privilege of sitting next to him last week and I realized I spent most of the class trying to impress him by wobbly sticking my legs behind my head while he stood on his head and laughed when I snorted and fell down.

I know now it's better to sit across from him. I can look all I want without fear of knocking him over.

This is why people love hanging out with me:

Haut Yoga Guy is walking by the girls and me after yesterday's class and I stop him.

"Hey what happened to you last week? When I left, the yoga instructor had you all tied up!"

The double entendre was totally intentional. My friends knew this and fell over laughing.

He described the new position and how great it felt (unfortunately not in double entendres) and I completely zoned him out. I'm attracted to a man largely on his voice and Haut Yoga Guy made me want to jab anything sharp and nearby in my ears so I wouldn't have to listen to him anymore. My face fell in disappointment and I knew my days of eye fucking him are over.

Haut Yoga Guy stopped talking and walked away.

"Dammit Jamie, why did you make him talk?!" Louisa yells at me.
"You noticed the voice too? I thought that was just my hang up."
"You ruined the fantasy for me!"
"I know! I'm sorry! I didn't know he would sound like that!"

Haut Yoga Guy has officially been stripped of his title and is now Weird Voiced Guy at Yoga or Formerly Haut Yoga Guy. I've also become the Official Ambassador of Embarrassing Questions to Strangers.


Eric said...

Who did he sound like? Jon Lovitz?

Jamie said...

Worse, a northerner.

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't crack on the northerners! lol. I may not be one for much longer but I am still one. You had me cracking up on this post, too bad to hear about his unmasculine nothern voice!

Ryon said...

Well, that's grounds for chemical castration right there.

citizen student said...

you know what turns me off? lazy eye.



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