Monday, March 06, 2006

My mom says I'm getting smarter, redux

I was going to write a post about a dumbass thing I did over the weekend, but it got overshadowed by a dumbass thing I did today.

Locked my damn keys in the car.


Must be that time of year.

I was sitting in my car after lunch, debating leaving my sunroof open because it was such a nice day. I decided against it, got out, and locked the car. If I had left the sunroof open, I could have got them out like I did last time.

Luckily, my office high-rise hires a police officer to sit outside our building every afternoon to stop traffic and let us out of the parking lot. Yes, I realize I lead a very spolied existence. When he showed up this afternoon, I asked him to Slim Jim my door open. My car alarm began going off and I let out a joyful, "Wahoo!"


citizen student said...

i've learned from your blog that i drink the same amount of water that stays in the bottom of a western style toilet on any given day.
i *envy* your job and also think i am drawn towards the potty.

otherwise. you're clumsy. but it all balances out nicely. :D

Eric said...

Where is that cop when I need him? Oh yeah...holding up traffic for 3 blocks on Piedmont while we wait for your key lockin' ass to make a left turn!

Tell him I said thanks.

Jamie said...

Eric- you know exactly what I'm talking about. He also holds up traffic on Piedmont for me to make a right turn too!

Eric said...

I think he likes you...(giggle)


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