Friday, March 31, 2006

Entering the weekend with a bang

I've been craving to do a survey this week and I finally found one worth completing. I was going to post this on my MySpace account, but suddenly I didn't want people I haven't spoken to in 6 years who are on my Friend's list reading this. Or Butch Walker.

And this will conclude my talk about sex for awhile because, frankly, I'm feeling a little slutty.

How many true relationships have you had?:3
Have you ever been in love?:Yes, at least once
What's your idea of a perfect date?:Something that includes food, alcohol, and sex
Where's your favorite place to be kissed?:stomach
How many sexual partners have you had?:less than people think
How many people have you kissed?:30? Who keeps track of that?
Do you like to make the first move?:Hate it
Are you a snuggler?:Completely
Do you kiss on the first date?:Yes
Where is the best place you've ever hooked up?:Movie theatre, beach, baseball bleachers
Do you consider yourself to be romantic?:No, I think I used to be though
Would you ever pay someone for sex?:No need to
Would you ever let someone pay YOU for sex?:Couldn't
Do you keep your eyes open when you kiss?:I'll peek occasionally
What was your most embarrassing sexual moment?:Lost condom. Had to jump up and down to find it.
Have your parents ever caught you in a compromising position?:No, an ex's brother.
Have you ever performed a striptease?:Yes
How about a lapdance?:Yes
Have you ever received a lapdance?:On stage at Wild Wings, where are those photos?
Do you like sexual contact?:Yes
Are you straight, gay or bi?:Straight
Have you ever made out with a member of the opposite sex?:Not in years. Good times in the dorm study rooms with Andy!
Are you a giver or a taker?:Giver
What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend?:Good teeth, wit, intelligence
Do you think you've met the person you'll spend the rest of your life with?:Not even close
Do you know who your bridesmaids and groomsmen would be?: Never thought about it. No reason to.
Have you ever regretted a hook-up?:There's one I probably should, but don't.
Have you ever cheated on a significant other?:Never
Have you ever hooked-up with someone already in a relationship?:Um, yes. Not proud of it.
Have you ever cried over a member of the opposite sex?:Buckets
Have you ever had your heart broken?:Yes
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?:Oh like 6, all unnecessarily.
Would you date or marry someone if your parents didn't accept them?:All the more reason to :)
How about if your friends didn't accept them?:Yes
What's the worst relationship you ever had?:Hands down the last one, screwed me up.
Have you ever done anything sexual while on the road?:Oh yeah!
Would you kiss someone if you didn't love them?:I hope so, otherwise I'm a love bandit.
Who told you all about sex?: "Where Did I Come From?" The best book EVER
Are you always horny?:It's always in the back of my mind
Are you a flirt?:Yes
Are you a tease?:Can be
Do you prefer to chase or BE chased?:It goes both ways with me.
Do you prefer morning or evening hook-ups?:Night
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter with a member of the opposite sex, and woke up in each others arms?:Yes
How old were you at the age of your first kiss?:13
How old were you when you lost your virginity?:19
Do you sometimes wish you could change that?:Never
Do you enjoy being in a relationship?:I think I function better if I'm in one.
Are you currently in one?:No
Has anyone ever fallen in love with you?:Several
Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it?:I'm beginning to think I have, but my intentions were always good
Are you "noisy" when you get heated?:It's not fun otherwise!
What is your kissing pet peeve?:He doesn't stick his tongue out enough
Do you think you're a good kisser?:Yes, and I've received confirmation on this.



Ryon said...

I wish I had a completely safe place to post my answers to this survey. I need to make a secret blog like Paige.
I think all your answers were great and you should not be ashamed of anything, not that you would be.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED YOUR SURVEY!! I did one too.

Paige said...

"A secret blog like Paige" Why don't you just give them the address too??? I should make you buy me a url of my own VG!

citizen student said...

i did this survey.
you can read it at my blog.

i haven't much to say today. anxiety has decided to roost in my chest and is making life overly difficult.

stoopid anxiety. stoopid pressure.


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