Monday, February 06, 2006

We have a designated meter for that in Athens

At work today, we received a carrying case for our large plasma TV. It's so we can take use the TV as a training aid when we do on-site trainings.


We get this huge box at work today. It could fit a Mini Cooper inside it.

I'm standing there, staring at this huge empty box. 2 people are trying to get the carrying case out of the box and I'm lending a hand by standing there and commentating.

"You know, we should take this box to Midtown after work. It's a nice box. I bet a homeless man would enjoy living in it."

They nod in agreement and chuckle. I go back to my desk, thoroughly pleased with my generosity. I'm so considerate. I see a box like that and I instantly think of others. This could be someone's house! That's much more useful than me turning it into one of those cardboard airplanes for the afternoon.

It took about 5 entire minutes for it to hit me.

I see a box and think of homeless people living in it.

This, apparently, is my solution to the homeless problem.

Not soup kitchens or donations of money or blankets.

But cardboard.

Remember, I'm the same person laughing over making the homeless man dance for his money last month, you know "to distinguish him from the not-so-serious panhandlers."

I need to take a sensitivity course or something.


... said...

You are thinking of could say "ooh, this would be great when I move into my new apartment...." I know that's what I was thinking

Jamie said...

Or how about, "Ooh, my new apartment!" because that one crossed my mind too!

The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

You are so going to hell. I'll leave the doorman a note that you are coming on my way in.


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