Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Taiwanese Hookers and Portuguese Trees

I put my make up on while driving to work this morning. Normally I'm very adept at this, but today I had blush issues. I now look like a Taiwanese hooker.

Work is either going to make me really smart or really boring, most likely it will be an amalgamation of both. I spend my days researching and learning products forwards and backwards to eventually write about. So I now know A LOT about some pretty random things.

Imagine me at a party: "Oh, is this cork flooring? Did you know cork is made from Portuguese oak trees? They are these huge trees that live for 200-500 years and cork is actually it's bark. Every 9 years they strip the bark off the trees and leave them naked. Doesn't hurt the trees though which is why cork is so environmentally friendly..."

Crowds of people will just walk away from me. "Don't talk to her, she's crazy," they'll whisper. Must find and marry architect...


Ryon said...

Hey, my sister is a Taiwanese hooker!

And you are right, she does where too much blush.

You also where too much eye makeup. My other sister wheres to much eye makeup, people think she's a whore.

Ah, the joys that are Ferris Beuler.

Paige said...

floor corking....dirty!

Jamie said...

I'm so glad you mentioned Ferris Bueller because I was just sitting here going, "Wha?"

Now that I get it, it's much funnier!


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