Friday, January 27, 2006


You think I'm crazy for this diet I'm on.

However, I'm so close to my goal I can taste it.

I work in Buckhead, for those of you outside of Atlanta-- it's arguably the richest subcity. Everyone walks around looking so damn hot that I feel like I need to keep up with the competition. I lost a lot of weight before I started my job through cutting out fast food and getting on the treadmill, but I'm not athletic looking like everyone else. I want to be the same size I was when I was 21. I have only one more pant size to go.

I've plateaued with my weight loss and the hardest part is losing the last couple of pounds, that's why I've had to step up my routine. I'm consuming about 800 calories a day, taking diet supplements, getting on the treadmill, and I just joined a yoga class. This should help me reach my goal and then some.

I feel fine, I really do.

Here's the kicker. I don't think anyone has noticed. No one has said anything to me about it. I see a huge difference: I forgot how much I hated my hips. There's no fat on them anymore- they'll never get smaller than they are now. I will never be a size 2, my bones just won't allow it. There goes my dancing/ modeling career!


... said...

I feel ya, everyone has noticed lately that I looked like I've lost weight, but I've only really lost 4 pounds. I just went to a "slumber party night" at a club and couldn't wear something skanky b/c I'm still way to fat.

At least you are working on your goal, all I'm doing is trying to eat less and exersize more. Does dancing last night at the club count? :-)

Ryon said...

The only thing I am remotely worried about is that whole yo-yo thing. Sometimes when people lose weight this way they jump back up in weight very quickly when they start eating normal again and I mean normal...not just overeating. It is all about balance and moderation. Proper eating and some exercise is always the best for overall weight maintenance.


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