Thursday, January 26, 2006

Can't stop shaking

The coffee pot marked "decaf" at work is clearly mislabeled.

Between my diet pills, nervous energy, and 3 cups of "decaf" coffee, I'm about to explode.

That or start running laps around the building. Which would prove difficult in my stiletto heels. I would also look like a lunatic to the people driving by on their way to lunch.

I also can't stop laughing every time I encounter the term "butt joint" in my reading today. This may or may not be related to my caffeine overdose.


Paige said...

Oh Jamie! Why are you taking diet pills, you look like a million bucks!

Jamie said...

Boys, ladies, the boys.

It's working too! I've lost another inch off my hips since I started. I felt fine until today when I drank the coffee, I've been good about staying away from other sources of caffine.

Paige said...

F** the boys! You are skinny enough! You are hot and sexy and they all want you anyway!

Anonymous said...

Stilleto Heels at work, that's hot!

Jamie said...

Hot. Just like me.


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