Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hallelujah, Holy Shit!

My favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I'll even watch it in July. This year...we're living it.

My father set up his outdoor Christmas decorations the Saturday after Thanksgiving. On Black Friday, they went out and bought some additional outdoor lighting, such as some lighted trees. My father punctuated our front yard with them.

About a week later, our next door neighbor decorated his yard. With the same friggin' decorations. Only he bought more of them. And put them even closer to the road than we did.

So we bought a reindeer.

And he bought 3.

Not wanting to get too petty over this subtle battle, we now began a contest over who has there decorations lit first. It started at 5:00 PM and slowly each house has pushed the light up time ahead.

Well we won today.

Because it's 11:30 in the morning and we flipped the switch.


Unknown said...


We were lazy this year!

Hopefully next year, I just hate putting up stuff in the bitter cold :)

Jeff said...

That sounds like too much fun! I'm not putting up any decorations this year. I'll wait til next year because I'm going to buy a pre-lit Christmas tree when they go on sale after Christmas.


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