Friday, September 02, 2005

You're so vain, you probably think this post is about you

Chest pains got even worse Thursday night and I tried a few things, but nothing helped. I looked up panic attacks on the Internet, but I didn't have all the symptoms. I also looked up heart attack, but my skin wasn't cold or clammy. They have since ceased. I think it's just general anxiety.

But never fear, a new problem has arisen. I mentioned earlier that I've dropped some weight. I'm now the skinniest I've been in 2 years which has led to me staring at the mirror for long periods of time.


I take out the garbage and walk into the bathroom to wash my hands. Hello mirror! Front view: looking good! Let's check the side...yup, thinner. Now lets lift the shirt to check out tummy with muscle lines... atta girl. Pull the pants down an inch or two to check out lower abs...yes definitely flat. Whoops! Almost forgot to spin around and inspect lower back! Yeah, that's sexy...

Now why was I here?


Paige said...

Gee, I don't remember either...I was imagining how great your body looks and thinking "you go girl!" Maybe you forgot to flush??? :-)

Jeff said...

yeah I was thinking about how sexy your body must look....ohh sorry...umm yeah..maybe you forgot to flush?

Ryon said...

Doctor. Please still go to a doctor. These things can be intermidate.

You should post some new pics of the new you.


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