Monday, September 12, 2005

Ramblings of vanity out of control

My hair has inexplicably gone from straight to curly. I know that it can change due to the body's hormones, etc, but I always thought the hair would start to grow out that way, not you wake up one morning and you've got curly hair.

It started about a week ago. I thought my hair was just dry or something. I deep conditioned and it was still curly. Now without any hair products or help, I have a head full of spiral curls.

Gaw, I look pretty.

In other news, I look like this pretty much all the time:

Not my actually heinie, but found through glorious Google images. The point is none of my pants fit correctly since Weight Loss 2005, forcing my pants to expose my ass at all times. Am beginning to wear clothes from my skinny box again, but I am not yet a size 6, my goal.

My poor jeans. I bought you at the beginning of this summer and you were my favorite pair. You were ankle length and had premade scuffs and rips. Every time someone asked what happened to my pants, I got to say that I bought you that way. You were light blue and went with everything. Now you won't even stay above my shins. I must give you to charity now so poor people can wear you. And look awesome.


Paige said...

I'm really jealous of you...I'm depressed, without a job, and I'm still ugly and fat!

Jamie said...

Ms Thang! How dare you! I saw that picture of your tummy! You are in NO WAY fat! But I am glad that you have sense enough to know you're not ugly.

Paige! We are cosmic twins or something. Why aren't you on AIM anymore? I miss you! You aren't ugly or fat either! I've seen your pictures!

Paige said...

Okay, I'll give you this: I'm cute, and a little tubby.

With the time difference I think we are never on at the same time. I look for ya, but usually it's like 8-midnight your time when I'm on. I'll try for earlier tomorrow, because I'm staying home waiting for a package from A*.


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