Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Why is there wooing in the background?

So I took my dog to work today. I wasn't really thinking about anything, just that I was going to to south Atlanta after work and I live in extreme north Atlanta and I wasn't going home to get her and I wasn't leaving her by herself overnight. It was my last day at work and I thought, What the hell, are they going to fire me?

She sat by my desk all day and was really well-behaved, more so than I believed she would be.

In my past experience, Chinese have always been terrified of my wolf-like dog, and I was anxious to see how my Chinese-owned company would react to her presence. Fortunately, they loved her and gave her any spare food they had.

At 5:30, I packed up my desk (in one tiny box) and split. I'll miss the people I worked with, but never the job. Anytime someone yelled at me today, I responded, "Well, today is my last day, but I'll leave a sticky for the boss who will be back next week." That seemed to both shock and anger the customers, so it made me happy.


Paige said...

Yeah! Jamie's back! So, we BOTH had last days? Good'll find out about my last day on my blog later today. Part I is up already.

Ryon said...

Once on my last day at a radio station I decided to play whatever and I mean whatever I wanted. The station was switching to a new format at 12:01 am and my show went from 7 pm until 12 am...just like my show now...anyway, I played everything. I played Neil Diamond's Porcupine Pie. I played about 30 TV Theme Songs. I played Elmo. I played a phone conversation that I had with a listener for about five minutes. It was really boring and stupid. Anyway, I started doing that at around 10:00 pm and was pulled off the air at around 11:15. I guess it took someone a little while to get up there. I don't put that station on my resume.


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