Friday, May 06, 2005

The hot pants plan: day# 19

I haven't seen my favorite aunt and uncle in 2 and 1/2 years. They are in town tonight and I have plans to eat dinner with them. I wanted to look nice for them so today I ditched the tennis shoes and jeans and I brushed the hair and put on the heels.

I normally wear tennis shoes because I work at a manufacturing plant. Actually I work in the front office of a manufacturing plant. Regardless, I have to run into the plant several times a day and dodge fork lifts, saws, and machines with big cords. Wanting to keep all of my toes, I wear shoes that will protect my feet, not ones that cause my clumsy ass to trip over anything.

I walk in and it's the first thing everybody notices: Holy shit, Jamie is taller! Gasp, we can see her feet! (My favorite receptionist made several stabs at my beloved New Balances.) All of a sudden I feel like I have to explain myself- What? These old things? Hell, the dog chewed on them or I wear heels when I'm not at work.

One lady exclaims, "Did someone make a trip to Payless?" That was the exact moment I lost my "no care" attitude. "Payless? PAYLESS? Girl, these are Steve Maddens!" Snapping of fingers and head waving may have occurred.

I'm just so sick of everything being a big deal around here.


Jamie said...

Yeah, for that and your foot fettish!

aprilbapryll said...

i love my steve maddens. i have two pair. (before vegasgustan posts, he loves him some steve maddens too. hehe)

Ryon said...

Frog Princess is right. I own four pairs of Steve Maddens and when I get paid I am going to buy yet another. I love 'em.


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