Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Snow Falls on Asphalt

I was driving to work this morning and about 2 towns into my commute, I noticed snow covering the ground. Was I that tired that I didn't notice snow in Georgia? After thinking about it I came to the conclusion that there was no snow in Athens, Georgia, otherwise I would have noticed it when I was walking the dog.

It's snowing again and I wish I was home under the covers reading one of the three books I'm in the middle of. I'm in a mood, after realizing that the people I work with resent me. Or they just don't like me because I smell bad, etc., but I prefer resent because of its implications. Rather early in the morning one lady said something nasty about the closest person to me here. If she would say that to me about someone else, then she probably says that about me to others.

The snow has blanketed my mood and I don't care much for anything right now.

Additionally, my boss is planning to fire the one person in the front office who isn't two-faced. I know about it and my boss is asking me to document the particulars against the guy. I don't feel good about being a co-conspirator.

My work is boring to the extent that I can't believe I just wasted all this space on the topic. To all those who made it this far, I leave you a Quote of the Day:

"Where did you get the pink fifties you whore! Don't touch me, Grandpa, Nana is a cheating whore!"
Dane Cook (on playing Monopoly)



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