Thursday, April 17, 2003

I'm not as thunk as you drink I am

I went to Karaoke For Kids Wednesday night to support my friend sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma. Being so damn sick after Tuesday's catastrophe (apparently drinking to calm nerves is a not a good solution for myself), I did not have even one sip of alcohol. I didn't think anything of it, until 4 people came up to me today and told me how proud they were of me for going out and not drinking. I thank everyone for being so concerned about me, but I want to assure you that I am ok. Below I have listed symptoms that women alcoholics show and clearly you will see that this isn't me... except for that flask in the purse thing...

Women's Symptoms

Prodromal Stage

Increased tolerance for alcohol
Unwillingness to discuss drinking
+Feels women who drink excessively are worse than men
+Drinks more just before menstrual period
+Feels more intelligent and capable when drinking
+Supersensitive about anything
+Personality changes when drinking from passive to aggressive

Early Stage

Periods of abstinence
Others disapprove of drinking
Rationalization of drinking
Memory blackouts
+Unexplained bruises
+Drinking before facing a new situation

Middle Stage

Neglects eating
Protects supply of liquor
Unreasonable resentment
+Permissive with children because of guilt feelings
+Drinks to feel happy and finds self more depressed
+Told by others she couldn't be an alcoholic
"Pre-drinking" or "post-drinking" or both
Guilt about drinking

Late Stage

Starts day with drink
Loses tolerance for alcohol
Sneaks drinks
Gulps drinks
Persistent remorse
Devalues personal relationships
+Carries liquor in purse

+reported by women only from James (1975)

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