Friday, December 21, 2007

Another Christmas Miracle

"I'm sorry you didn't get a Christmas bonus," Boyfriend said one night this week while we were watching TV. He reached his hand up and rubbed my shoulder.

"I guess it's not that bad," I admitted. "I mean the dog has fleas and my check engine light just popped on, and that check really would have helped with both, but I'll manage without."

"Well, you can have mine if you want."

I broke contact with the TV and looked at him. Never in my life would I take the boy's Christmas money. In reality, he busts his butt on a daily basis for less money than I make, so he deserves it. But I was shocked at his generosity to even offer it up to me. "No, I wouldn't do that to you," I responded. I looked back to the TV and chewed on my lip while thinking it over, "You can, however, buy me something with it," I teased.

"To be honest, it's going to go to you one way or another. I haven't gotten your present yet."

Such as it is with bonus checks--they never stay in your hands very long. Just when you think you have that extra money to get ahead, something happens and you're back to treading water. I know that's what I thought this afternoon when a white envelope made its way onto my desk. Then I remembered the check engine light popped on and the dog has fleas.

Merry Christmas.


The Mad Inscriber said...

So... did you get a bonus after all?

I forgot what I said I'd post as, so from now on I'll be posting from this account.

--Former Cubicle Neighbor

Will said...

Personally, I like those Festivus miracles more...


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