Thursday, June 14, 2007


The salesman, feeling responsible, has called me every afternoon to see how I'm doing. I have more large black bruises than I have fingers and toes. I limp. I can't stand or even cross my legs without pain. Advil and I have become close buddies. So has an additional chair in my cubicle that I prop both my legs on. While my right leg doesn't have the massive bruise that stretches down my calf like the left one, it has several brothers and sisters who are just as angry.

"I'm okay," I tell him. "I ate dinner last night and passed out before 8 p.m. I think I slept a lot of it off. Now I'm just sore."

"Are you taking anti-inflammatories for your knee?"

"By the threes."

"Good. That's prescription strength and that's what you need to be on."

"I went out to lunch yesterday and I scooted my chair up to the table as I sat down. My knee lightly bumped into the chair that was already scooted in and I just cried out and laid my head down on the table it hurt so badly."

"See, that's your problem. You're still scooting. No more scooting for you until you get healed up," he laughed.

It hit me that this Sunday is Father's Day, and I'm expected to show up at my father's house. For his pool party. I don't know how else to explain what I look like in place of the truth--because I literally look like I got run over by a scooter.

He knew that I was looking at them, and he was a proponent for me getting one; he just doesn't know that I laid it down. It's not this that bothers me so much. It's his reaction when I tell him I still want one.


Jamie said...

Good news! I can sorta see the definition of a knee cap today!

citizen student said...

yay! definition!

tell them you got beat up by a roving gang of gnomes. or you walked into a door. several times... lol...

you'll be alright. and go ahead and get one! you just need a little more practice and you'll be perfect...

and yes, thankfully i was in the hospital long enough to bring the blood alcohol level to a normal point... lol when the cop called me to tell me i was okay she said, "i don't know how the hell you did it but you passed"... chalk it up to an overactive kidney ;)

... said...

"He said he loved me officer..."

Karen said...

"You should see the other guy!" OR "Chicks dig scars" Side note, actually had a guy use this on me at a bar once which didn't really work since said scar was still bleeding *shudder*

Anonymous said...

And you're limping less.

Um, let's see, I'd say, you went for a second drive last night and then some jerk tried to cut you off so you need some more practice driving defensively in Atl which you'll get before you buy one... seeing as you're sorta dating the salesdude...

me: You're under 30, ya? Just remember that everything slows as you age...

Will said...

Me, I would take this as a non-scooter sign.
But I'm far too wildly superstitous about all sorts of stuff.

I recommend stronger pain killers than Advil too--after my car wreck, in which I barely had any bruises--advil couldn't cut mustard. So I figure Rx Meds are in order.


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