Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Yeah. I'm still scared.

Holy crap, that was scary. Like defecate in your pants scary.

*Note to self- put pants on before the police arrive.

*Tip- if you want to murder someone in Atlanta, you have at least twenty minutes after she has called 911 to stab her and get the hell out.

Twenty minutes folks. That was the response time. After I buzzed him in my complex, the police called me for directions. Oh yeah.

"I'm having trouble locating your building number."

(Busy from dying of a heart attack) "Um, that's because there is no building number. There's just the one building."

"Where's the parking?"

Really? Your big bad squad car won't let you just park anywhere? "Around the back. There's actually a parking deck."

He finally showed up at my door. I gave him a description (head shaped like peephole) and he said he would search the grounds for him.

That was over 2 hours ago and I haven't heard from him since. He told me to not leave my apartment.

It's times like these I wish I had someone to call to freaking sit with me and keep me company tonight.

I should really make more friends in the area.

This sucks. This sucks bad.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Jamie! That's so scary! I hope you're feeling better this morning.

What kind of dog do you have?

Karen said...

Oh Jamie that is a terrible experience! I've had something similar with people trying to get in (hate, HATE scary drunk neighbour friends) and insane fear of peepholes is really not quite so insane.

I feel an urge to send you a baseball bat, wooden or metal preference?

Jamie said...

Robin- I'm feeling better, but I barely slept at all last night.

A completely useless Siberian Husky. What's the point of having a big dog if she doesn't do anything?

Karen- I had an ex-boyfriend kept a wooden baseball bat next to his bed for that reason, so I'm going to have to go with wooden!

Anonymous said...

br keeps the carving knife i bought him for xmas next to the bed. at least he was when we were in the crack hood...

omg j that's not even cool. how is it possible that he got through the gate? perhaps he was smashed and thought your apartment was his?

you should talk to the building security and management about that shiz too. also, keep mace (both the spray and implement of destruction) and a sawed-off shot gun by your door.

i am having anxiety now for you...

Anonymous said...

Oh, calm down everyone, no harm no foul. Jamie, please, next time, call the cops First. And get a handset to plug into the wall so's 911 gets your location automatically.

I strongly recommend aluminum over ash for three reasons: 1. It's easier to swing, and swing swiftly 2. It won't break 3. The sound produced is much more satisfying - and also more likely to unnerve an attacker (*thunk!*)

Not that I've thought long and hard about what type of baseball bat I will buy once the child starts dating, or anything.

Momo said...

Jamie, I'm so sorry. I feel your fear along with you. I'm with the other commenters - get some mace, get a bat, get a knife, get a gun if you have to. (I never thought I was a gun proponent. But I am now - being pregnant and knowing my husband will be out of town for business has necessitated it. I think - what else can I do? I'm helpless. And the cops are 20-30 mins. from my house too.)

The RHS said...

Glad to see you're okay!

I think bats are good, but I wouldn't overlook a three iron. Decent length, not very big (so they have a harder time deflecting it) and the head can do serious damage. Though you won't get the satisfying thunk or anything. =/

you could always pick up a 410 and have it sawed off. You wouldn't even half to aim.

Anonymous said...

Serious note: Before getting any weapon, always remember the First Rule of weaponry:

Never ever pick up a weapon that you do not fully intend to use.

The chances that it will be used against you if you don't use it yourself are very, very high.

aprilbapryll said...

from the way he was slumped, I'd think crazy drunk neighbor too, but still way freaking scary. I'm sorry! I hope your sleeping gets better!

My Lola would bark until he got in, and then she'd want to play. Hopefully the barking is scary enough to keep them away ...

Jamie said...

Me- The mace is in the car, remember? Ah, the joys of city living...

CN- I personally like the sound of a wooden bat :)

Momo- Yes, we will be talking about guns in my next post back to the trial.

RHS - No aiming? Hot damn!

CN- You're foreshadowing too!

Frog Princess- Sometimes she runs under the bed. Idiot dog.


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