Thursday, January 25, 2007

Getting Physical

I've been working out everyday this week.

I haven't been to the gym, but I've been working out.

As soon as I get home from work, I take the cross-legged dog out for her evening walk. Then I return home, remove my coat, gloves, hat, and scarf and slip into my cheerleading shorts.

Then I turn on the TV to Geraldo or whatever crap show is on and I lay on the couch and pull an old comforter up to my chin.

It is there that I'm working out.

It's called mental workouts-- I made it up myself. While Geraldo is calling the world a collective group of racists, I think of a treadmill. And then I picture myself on the treadmill. I spend the next 20 minutes imagining myself running on the treadmill, during commercials of course because sometimes that Geraldo really is a hoot. Yesterday I ran for three and a half miles.

It was a good workout.

And afterwards I feel tired, but the good tired with the runner's high. And I imagine my muscles getting stronger and the winter insulation disappearing. I think it's working.

I'm getting physical.

And by physical, I mean mental.


The RHS said...

I remember reading about a Vietnam POW who for 14 years (well, maybe it was 7, but it seems like the number was 14, either way it was a helluva' long time)mentally played golf on his favorite course back home to stay sane. Eventually he was freed and shipped home. When he finally got a chance to play the course, he played it like a pro.

Jamie said...

Awesome. So when I finally need to run three and a half miles, I'll be able to do it, no sweat :)

Anonymous said...

I've been doing this, only with eating. Thankfully, I haven't gained any weight! Sadly, I haven't lost any either!

Anonymous said...

It's called mental workouts

Sounds like a great idea. My problem is that I'm supposed to think about crap all day at work. So by the time I get home, I'm so tired that all I can think of are scantily-clad women ... some even in cheerleader shorts!

dont eat the token said...


I believe in mind over matter.

Jamie said...

TDG- That's cause you're not exercising like me! hehe

Dan- Oh there are other ways to burn calories besides running ;)

DET- You know what? Me too :)


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