Monday, November 06, 2006

Chronicles of a Dog Owner

I came home and saw this on my floor:

Upon further inspection, I saw that it was this:

A bag of popcorn. Nikita had grabbed it out of a care package my mother sent for me. Yesterday she pulled a bag of coffee beans out and opened that up. I wasn't really concerned because a) she didn't eat the beans, just spilled them on the floor, and b) I don't own a coffee grinder, much less drink coffee at all.

This time, however, she stuck her face in the bag (which is now out of reach on the counter), pulled out the bag of popcorn, carried it into the living room, and peeled off the plastic wrapper before tearing into the bag.

As I began picking up her mess, I noticed something. I counted one, two, three, four, five of these:

She ate an entire bag of unpopped popcorn.

But doesn't she looked pleased with herself?

This story will conclude tomorrow at six when Nikita goes for her evening walk.


Anonymous said...

Until she passes those kernels, I'd recommend keeping Nikita out of the microwave.

dont eat the token said...

hee hee - good one phil!

i was just going to comment that i think this is the ULTIMATE corn-in-the-poop story.

Momo said...

YUMMMM-EEE! Sounds delish!

I once had a kitty drag a whole loaf of bread from the counter into the other room and onto a couch. It was gnawed into like a rat...a semi-circle of bread missing. I couldn't believe it!! But it's true!

Or, maybe it was a ghost rat...

Anyway - I hope Nikita's feeling OK! ;0)

Jamie said...

Phil- ROFL! I have comment envy right now. It's ugly. And so very geeky.

DET- I thought the same thing! I would like to hear a better corn-in-the-poop story!

Momo- Why do they have to take the food with them? I don't understand that! Animals are very strange.

Anonymous said...

So I take it the Baby Ruth reference had something to do with popcorn kernels?

Jamie said...

It was a Pay Day reference.

And yes.

dont eat the token said...

Well - some years back our puppy ate crayons. Colorful poop adorned our backyard. But, not really corn-in-the-poop...

citizen student said...

LOLOLOL surprised she didn't pop it in the microwave and put it on the correct setting so as not to burn the popped corn and then settle before the tv for an afternoon or soap watching...

what a smart cookie she is


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