Friday, October 27, 2006

Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone with the Wind

After hearing the unedited version of my speed dating experience, Erin was crying. We were seated in her car at a red light laughing so hard neither one of us were able to make a sound. I too reached up and wiped tears away.

"Are we going to have to do like Rachel and Monica did on Friends? The one where Rachel doesn't trust her dating decisions anymore, so Monica makes them all?"

"That would probably be for the best."

"I still can't believe the Douchebag IncidentTM."

"And he was one of the ones I liked!"

"I want stories like that. How do I get stories like that?"

"Well tonight I'm blowing off yoga to go to Midtown Mixer at the Margaret Mitchell House. One of the girls I exchanged numbers with last night is working it and invited me."

"I'm there."

Later on Married Work Guy stops in my cubicle and sees the invite card.

"Are you going to the mixer to further your quest for a date to the party?"


"Good, I was getting worried about you. So why are you going?"

"To see the psychic."



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