Friday, September 29, 2006

You know, hypothetically

What if I said, hypothetically, that I was cooking this week. Okay fine, I was heating up a can of soup, hypothetically. And hypothetically the pot boiled over. And I didn't clean up the soup from inside the burners because I was feeling lazy, hypothetically.

What if, hypothetically, the next night I go to heat up another can of soup and, hypothetically, a fire started. Hypothetically, I heard a poof and there were flames everywhere. It was the biggest fire I've ever managed to start in the kitchen, hypothetically.

So I found the fire extinguisher under the sink and began reading the directions because boy were there a lot of big flames... hypothetically. Then I hypothetically decided I didn't want to use the extinguisher because then my can of soup would be ruined. So I removed the pot off the burner and covered the burner with a pot lid to suffocate the flames, hypothetically. It worked eventually, hypothetically, but not without me starting to freak out and wonder how fast I could obtain renter's insurance before the fire trucks came.

So let's just say that the pot in question smells like smoke, hypothetically. And the once stainless steel look now hypothetically resembles that of a copper pot.

Do I keep the pot? Or do I throw it out and buy a new one?

You know, hypothetically.


The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

Hypothetically, if the pot cost under twenty dollars, pitch it. I have the same hypothetical situation when I'm brewing, making soup in my kitchen too.

Momo said...

Hypothetically, I might just throw that pot away. Assuming it was easy enough to replace and wasn't a gift or something...

Glad you're OK. These things can escalate!

My husband almost burned our back porch/house down. That's a story for another day...

dont eat the token said...

Throw it out and hunt for a good one at the Goodwill.

Um, that sounds pretty stressful and super funny - being that you didn't want to waste that can of soup.

A friend of mine left her apartment once, while her empty pot sat on the electric burner, while it was still on.

She came home to a busted down door and smoke damage. Luckily no huge fire had resulted, just smoke, a lot of smoke.

One time I came home to my empty house, full of natural gas smell - as my stoned brother (years ago, it doesn't matter which one) had left the gas burner on for hours.


Anonymous said...

I'd be throwing out the hypothetical pot, cleaning up the stove and hypothetically making sure you have insurance, in case it hypothetically happens again.

Hypothetically I assume there would have been a whole lot of noise going on at the time, that might have been able to be heard quite a way away.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the stories I could tell about my own hypothetical misadventures.

Toss the damn pot. Unless you are feeling particularly frugal; then, get a box of steel wool and get to work. Time vs money, though time is money... how much is your time (and considerable effort) worth?

Twisted DNA said...

He he he. That was hilarious. Sorry for laughing at your misery :)

You might want to throw away the pot and the "smoked soup" :)

citizen student said...

since this is all hypothetical, you should hypothetically go out and buy a hypothetical new pot...
and then a hypothetical new kitchen while you're at it...

please don't tell me you hypothetically ate the hypothetical soup afterwards...

Jamie said...

Hypthetically, it was a little smokey, but it seemed to work for the clam chowder ;)


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