Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What I've been up to

  • Working like crazy. I've decided to get certified for my job, so in addition to my work, I'm taking a course and studying for the test in December.
  • Appling for some freelance writing jobs. Nothing to note as of yet, but I'm sending in writing samples and updating the resume. I'm not leaving my job, just looking for some small work on the side.
  • Writing. A lot of personal stuff that you'll probably never see. But it's good stuff, trust me.
  • Getting my car fixed. Again.
  • Dating. Good lord I'm turning into one of those people who needs a spreadsheet to keep everyone straight. This is not a brag because so far I haven't encountered anything great. Or worth mentioning.
  • Cleaning the apartment. I have a friend coming in town this weekend and I think he'll expect things like not having dog hair fly in his mouth.
  • Hanging with friends-- doing the whole social thing.
  • Yoga, yoga, yoga. I somehow fell out of that because of the heat. Well that's what I blamed anyways.

Crap, gotta run. Have another date tonight. Let's hope this one doesn't suck.


The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

How did the date go? Was it better than the denouement of my epic burrito story?

Anonymous said...

This dating thing sounds very exciting!


Will said...

Ah dating...a time in which I really envy the traditional gender roles. Girls can pretty much date every night of the week and get lots of free drinks and meals. For a guy to do the same he's either got to risk going dutch (and the potential for being view "cheap") or go broke, or be independantly wealthy (in which case finding women shouldn't be a problem).

Jamie said...

It's not all free Will! I've gone on 3 dates with one guy, all dutch.

Will said...

So if they've pretty much sucked, why are you throwing away the $$$?

Jamie said...

I don't know. I've found myself giving second and third chances for them to impress me. Sorta three strikes and you're out.


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