Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It may be a crap book, but at least I got a blog post out of it

So I'm reading this awful book titled "Magical Thinking" by Augusten Burroughs. This is the first book I've read from him. He's just like David Sedaris, except not funny. He and Sedaris both flaunt their flaws and they have some mutual ones at that: both are selfish and a bit prissy. However, Sedaris is completely forgivable and endearing because he's equally as meek as he is selfish and laughs at his own shortcomings. Burroughs does not. He's Jan "Look At Me" Brady of the memoir genre. I find him such an abominable person that I can't enjoy his writing.

However, this one part completely traumatized me so I have to share it. He finds a mouse in his bathtub and he can't figure out how it got there. So he called a friend. "Vermin sometimes climb up into the plumbing and get trapped in the showerhead," the friend says. Burroughs recoils, "I may have been showering, may still be showering, may someday be showering with piping-hot water filtered through a dead rat, without even knowing it."


What he said for himself can equally be said for me: "I would think of it every time I showered for the rest of my life. I would be standing under the stream of hot water, and I would be checking my skin for hairs and whiskers."

Double blech.

This morning I pulled back the shower curtain and turned on the water. I spit out the toothpaste, stripped, and stepped in the shower. My eyes immediately trailed up to the showerhead, gauging the size of the pipe. The pipe is small, too small for a rat I decided.

The spigot, however, is another story.


... said...

I think...I'm gonna throw up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's a story that I am going to quickly delete from my head and pretend I never heard! Serioulsy disturbing!

aprilbapryll said...

I don't like either Sedaris or Burroughs. I think they're both terribly overrated.


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