Thursday, June 01, 2006

Razor Blade Hair

When I was in high school I was a lifeguard. The pay kicked ass, but I was so miserable. First of all, I don't tan. My freckles join together and resemble a tan, then I just burn. Lifeguards know few things that other people don't: we know what it feels like to have only your knees and the top of your feet burned; we also know what it feels like to whack yourself in the face with a whistle.

Sitting on top of a tower when it's 115 degree heat index only puts you closer to the sun. I suffered from heat exhaustion. I'd take my break and go throw up in the bathroom. The sun made me that sick.

One day, without telling my mother, I stopped by a SuperCuts or something equally as awful after work and I ordered the lady to cut off all my hair. She didn't want to, but I was set on it. My mother saw me and cried. Think Molly Ringwald, that's what I looked like that summer. But at least I wasn't getting sick from the heat anymore.

Since then every summer when the thermostat hits 100, I make a hair appointment. I get my hair cut short and then thinned with a razor blade comb. My hair is that thick. Today is no different, but I have sense enough not to look like Molly Ringwald anymore.


Anonymous said...

OMG I absolutely love the hair, you look very beautiful! Your lucky that you have hair that will grow out that fast. I have been trying to grow my hair out for a year, and it's probably your length now.

... said...

Ah, it's cute! It looks like mine, only I don't style mine that cute, I just let it hang. I'm hacking it and the end of the month though...I'm so excited!

Unknown said...

I wish I could get my hair to lay so perfectly!!! I just leave mine long now and go the ponytail route. Of course, it makes me look like I'm about 18 years old, but is that really so bad?

Alberto Correia said...

tens aĆ­ umas cenas muita giras como tu.


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