Monday, April 10, 2006

You'd have to be a drinker to understand

I found this article:

It looked promising. They are warning not to eat while reading it. Pink's pretty good at not hiding anything. I thought I found some good material to make fun of her.

At first I had a good laugh. It's been years and years since I drank so much I've thrown up. Pink is 26 and still doing it. Way to go on not ralphing inside the limo -- they'll charge you extra if you do that.

Then I remembered all the times I have thrown from drinking too much. No one has ever jumped out of a moving vehicle to hold my hair back. Humph.

Wait. Not only does he jump out of a moving vehicle to hold her hair back, but he offers to puke with her? No one's ever thrown up with me either! I think Drew once held me steady so I could get sick in his bushes, but that's it!

I get you, Pink. It is romantic. He jumped out of a moving vehicle to hold your hair back, then he puked with you.

Forget Prince Charming, that is true love.

When I was unemployed, I got really into watching reruns of "Judging Amy," the best show on at 1 pm. My favorite part of the whole series was when Amy was complaining to her mother after a break-up.

"I want someone who thinks I'm the meaning of life," she complains.

"Don't be so full of yourself," her mother retorts. "Find someone who doesn't care about the meaning of life and is happy enough with you."

That's the key. Don't build love up so much that no one can possibly live up to your expectations. I don't even think I would want a man who thinks I'm the meaning of life, sounds too clingy to me. I want someone who will puke with me, jumping from moving vehicles not mandatory.


citizen student said...

i read that article.

while i was eating i might add...

i've never had anyone hold my hair back either. laugh at me yes... hold my hair back... no.

dig the pic.

Jamie said...

Actually, I think I was eating when I read that too...

Yeah seriously. Yell at me... yes. Made fun of me... yes. Took pictures... yes.

I changed the pic for just for you!

Ryon said...

That is a great pic of you. The article was great! I'd puke for Audra any day. Hey, I sent you and email from my real email address so check your junk folder for it.

Jamie said...

VG you're a true romantic! *sigh*

citizen student said...

dear jamie.

if i let you into my template do you think you could maybe take a lookie loo and see what the problem is?
i don't know what's wrong with me and don't want to be a severe pain in the posterior but... i even had a friend who works with computers look at it and she can't see it either.

PLEASE? i'll send you a postcard to put up in your crazy kewl apartment...

i'll be your bestest friend!
(i'm pestering cuz you're the only one who offered any help... see what it does to you?)

Anonymous said...

Hmmph, I hear that.


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