Wednesday, February 08, 2006

An interruption from your regularly scheduled funnies

This has been on my mind for awhile and I've been afraid to bring it up because I know what you will think: Feminazi.

But it's compounding and driving me crazy. I have to let it out of me.

"Big Momma's House 2" was just released in theatres. I have a big problem with these movies where men dress up like women, ie "Big Momma's House," "Sorority Boys," "Birdcage," "White Chicks," and even "Mrs. Doubtfire." I can't stand them. They are supposed to be funny. Oh how ridiculous, a man is dressing up like a woman. Watch him shave his legs, how funny! What a hoot!

No. Not funny.

What these movies actually convey is that a man can do a woman's job better than a woman. They always learn a lesson and prevail. Remember, Mrs. Doubtfire became a better mother than the actual mother who's running around some rich playboy. In "Sorority Boys" The DOGs, who were half men-in-disguise, acted like better people than the actual all female sorority. The all female sorority gets dumped over the side of a boat as punishment for having vaginas.

I'm so freaking sick of it.

The worst part is some man in the film will invariably fall for the cross-dresser, no matter how horrible the disguise is. This also proves that men don't need women. Men need legs in a skirt. We can easily be replaced by ugly cross-dressers with unibrows because what does a woman have to offer other than her looks, and we've just seen for the last 90 minutes how easily that can be replicated.

So come on Martin Lawrence, show me how you're better than my grandmother. Bring it.

If I hear one more commercial where a guy jokes, "We all KNOW that your sweetheart doesn't need chocolates for Valentine's Day!" I'm going to go down to the radio station and punch the guy in the face. Forget medical testing that proves women are predisposed to liking chocolate, she may get fat from the one box of candy and she can't handle any more weight on those hips. No ho ho! It's all about the looks remember? And what are women when they don't have that?

Apparently ugly men.


Ryon said...

Caution Inappropriate Joke Ahead:


LOL and hoping not to get my ass kicked.

Eric said...

Wow...that took alot of guts, Jamie.

I mean, most people wouldn't admit to seeing Sorority Boys, White Chicks, and Big Momma's House all in the same blog.

Maybe you should have eased us into that?

If it makes you feel any better...I get just as angry about movies where they imply that women don't need men. Sadly, I feel there's more truth to that idea...but we don't need to keep reminding them!!

Jamie said...



Eric- Touche. I have Blockbuster Online okay? I've seen a lot of crap!

Anonymous said...

Then I suggest you also watch "Just One of the Guys". There is also an article or book out, I can't remember which, where a woman spent the entire year as a man. Held a job, went on dates, etc., and determined that it is tougher being a man. You may want to look that one up too.

Jamie said...

Yeah, right. I believe that for a New York minute.

You're forgetting that women are more emotional than men and you can't take that away, even though you can change the clothes. So there are too many variables there.

I hold a job and go on dates too! See, I told you women are nothing without their looks.

... said...

See, all I was thinking was that they dressed up like us because it's much more fun being a woman! Sad men, trying to be like us in every way possible :-)


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