Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Weekend Recap:

Number of states visited: 3
Number of miles traveled: 780
Number of miles I drove: 445
Number of prior ski trips: 4
Number of prior snowboard trips: 0
Number of falls encountered by snowboarding: unknown
Number of bruises obtained by snowboarding: unknown
Number of bruises on butt: 6
Weeks estimated for bruises to heal: 4
Times cursed in front of a child while snowboarding: constant
Children under the age of 6 who can snowboard better than me: 8
Times asked if I was okay by man riding on the ski lift above me: 1
Thoughts considering taking a second shot at snowboarding: 2
Number of breathtaking views: 1001


Anonymous said...

I had a dream that you and I decided we wanted to go to the sold-out Lenny Kravitz show, so we told all these people with tickets that he was playing in a church with a pool in the middle of Vegas...and then we got tickets and he wasn't there, so we went to the church, and no on was there either except for Lenny, dressed all in white. He told us to stay cool and then jumped into the blue pool.

Jamie said...

That is perhaps the coolest dream ever...

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaime!

Was good having you at the place this weekend BEFORE you went an bruised yourself.

BTW, Lenny Kravitz + church + Las Vegas? Sounds like you could use a trip on Dr. Freud's couch...


Jamie said...

Paige, you're so upset over Christmas, you're even dreaming about church!

Paige said...

nah, it's just that churches are prettier than shuls (Jewish Churches, basically) They have that whole stained glass thing going on.

Jamie said...

Cheves- B told me that my advice worked out and you got yourself a hot date! Cheers! Let's just hope this one doesn't use the word "pork."


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