Thursday, December 15, 2005

Donald Trump, I feel you.

My Visa check card number was stolen and someone has been making purchases (all pennies under $20) to Septimus. Kick-ass. Yes, they did put the money back in my account within 24 hours, but what the commercial doesn't tell you is that your check card is now void and it takes 5-7 business days to get a new one.

This is especially sucky if you ran out of checks.

It's even more sucky if you have plans to go out of town this weekend.


Paige said...

How did it get stolen???

Unknown said...

Yep, that's sucky alright.

I had a ATM eat my card once and the bank (which wasn't mine) wouldn't give me my card back. And it was right after I had moved almost 2 hours from my hometown that had my bank. Talk about sucky.

Jamie said...

I have no freaking idea how someone got the number! One thing I am terrible about is not ripping up my receipts- so maybe that is it.


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