Friday, December 16, 2005

A completely true and insane story

The Lord & Taylor's by my house is going out of business and I've been in there every week getting great deals on some work clothes. So far I've gotten a $1000 wardrobe for $150. Every time I go there, the same security guard is there laughing at me. He sees me making trips to the car with giant bags and going back in for more and he sees me often.

After a 4 hour binge there yesterday, I'm getting ready to leave and he comes up to me again.

Security Guard: Do I know you from some place?
Jamie: No, I don't think so.
SC: You look really familiar.
Jamie: I get that A LOT. I think I just have a familiar face.
SC: No, I think I know you.
Jamie: Seriously, this happens all the time. People will do this for an hour with me and then say, "I know where I've seen you before- you look exactly like Jen from Dawson's Creek!"
SC: No, that's not it...
SC: ...
SC: Are you on MySpace?

I about wanted to die. Completely true story.


Ryon said...

MySpace, making the world a smaller and more creepy person at a time.

Jeff said...

That would totally freak me out!!


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