Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I have more bounce than California

I bought 5 tickets today for the 225 million dollar jackpot. I've never played the lottery before, but I will for $225 mil! If I win, each of you will get a new car. I also plan to purchase a kick-ass apartment in New York, a Land Rover, and a wing of a hospital. My new job will be "student of the world" and you won't see me because I'll be traveling for the next 2 years. Wish me luck!

This is what I have decided about my cell dilemma. Will wait until pink one is released in December and see what kind of offers I can get with it. If I can't get anything good then I will get this one and attach this.


Ryon said...

Your cell phone plan sounds good and solid.

With all that change, can I have at least $250,000? I think I am still your longest running constant reader...Don't that mean something?


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