Monday, October 18, 2004
I've been in a funk the last week and I think I've had a good run of it. The first round of firings occurred today at work and, thankfully, I avoided the gunfire...and the unemployment line. But my blindfold isn't off yet, I bought myself about 2 more weeks until the next round- a month at the max. Anyone wanting to hire an English major? I didn't think so...

I think I might have a knack for this writing thing: anyone wanting to hire a slightly depressed writer? Shocker...

I learned a lot in my fantastic mope. Having my mind cloudy with thoughts, and not wanting to talk about them, left me silent. Needless to say, I did A LOT of listening: it's amazing, I think most people just want to be heard. At one point last week, I found myself on my living room couch watching "Sex and the City" with my neighbor (I refuse to use the word "friend" anymore, and if you know who I'm talking about, you understand). I was watching the show and daydreaming and she kept bringing up her multifarious problems. I quit responding and she kept talking- I couldn't believe it. It was like she didn't even care IF I responded; she just wanted to talk about herself.

After this realization, I noticed that it wasn't just her- everyone just loves to talk about themselves and I wondered if there really is someone at the other end of the cellphone. People ask about the other person without caring about the answer, anxious to return to their problems.

Man. There are a lot of problems out there.

I heard about unemployment, DUIs, moving back in with the parents, classes, girlfriends, fiances, wives, ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, sex, alcoholism, money, work, bosses, small penises...

My head hurts.

I'm getting drunk and going to bed.


Ryon said...

A person fitting Jesus' description is mentioned in a few other religious doctrines. Now, that is not concrete evidence...but who knows? The time frame fits. I guess we will all find out when we become worm food, ashes, or frozen. Anyway, I hope you don't lose your job. By the way, what is your favorite thing to get drunk on? Mine is SoCo and Coke! Yum-a-Dum-Dum.

Jamie said...

By no means did I doubt Jesus' was just something I learned my religion class and I was passing it along.


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