Friday, September 17, 2004
I was driving to work this morning and the radio advised all listeners to stay off the roads today. "Oh great," I muttered, "Who is going to test drive a car during Hurricane Ivan?" I was obviously right and no one showed up all day. Not even the lady who bought her car yesterday and was supposed to come today to pick it up. Apparently she called her insurance company and they refused to employ any new policies today. Smart business move, but weird nonetheless. At around 5:15 PM my boss (who was currently offering a $1,000 to anyone who could sell a car today) decided it would probably prove beneficial to close the store early. So I got to leave 45 minutes early while everyone else (who arrived at noon) closed until 6:00PM.

So what did I do all stinking day while stranded at work? My boss suggested pulling people out of the sky while they were flying around in the the tornadoes and selling them a car. However, I made the distinct decision to work on my blog. That's right folks! A profile, pictures, and a comment section that took 7 hours for me to figure out (note the time stamp). It's so lovely I can't neglect it any longer!

Hurricane Ivan taught me a lot about HTML format and the fact that my wind chime works.



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